This comparison tool provides scientific verification of how Argentyn 23® Bio-Active Silver HydrosolTM compares to other silver products available in the market place. Over the last two decades, we have built and maintained the largest library of silver product images taken by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). We do this by sending our own product and comparative products as blinded samples to a 3rd party laboratory at The Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science NanoEarth laboratory at Virginia Tech and have developed this tool to provide quick access to side-by-side comparisons of Argentyn 23 with other currently available, professional-grade silver products.
Using this tool, you will be able to compare Argentyn 23 Professional Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol to other brands available on the market, compared side by side at 110,000x magnification. If a specific brand of silver that you would like to know about is not included in this list, please contact us here.
Black areas and spots in the images on the right represent large silver metal particles, and wasted silver. Compare these to the much smaller particle size and fine, uniform dispersion shown in the Argentyn 23 image on the left, maximizing the surface area available for conversion into bio-active silver.
Keep in mind that the smaller the particle size, the easier it is for the body to absorb and eliminate – and that silver can only be converted to bio-active forms at the surface of a particle, hence the smaller the size the better.
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